Shingen tries to persuade Tokugawa Ieyasu into joining his side, but the latter stands firm in allying with Nobunaga. As the Tokugawa clan advances on the Takeda and Uesugi clans, it seems that the Tokugawa clan is at a disadvantage, that is until Ieyasu summons his greatest general Honda Tadakatsu, a giant, mechanized robot wielding a large drill as a weapon, to quickly turn the tide of the battle. Yukimura, Sasuke, and Shingen do their best to fight Tadakatsu all at once. Elsewhere, Nagamasa intercepts Masamune to stop him from getting to Nobunaga. Kenshin catches up to Keiji and realizes his plan all along to ally the other leaders to confront Nobunaga by himself. Meanwhile, when Nobunaga leaves, Mitsuhide allows Oichi to see Nagamasa on the battlefield. However, this was a distraction for Mitsuhide to shoot Nagamasa point blank.